Funky looking, 3 compartment recycling bin

“Comprises of three compartments and a central bottle crusher to compress your waste with ease.”

“Made from recycled plastic”

“Each compartment has a door for bag removal and a small upper opening with a cover for waste deposit. The covers close tightly so that bad odours cannot escape.”

“Standard supermarket shopping bags can be inserted into each of the compartments for ease of use.”

£179.99 from

Cornwall based sustainable furniture

I’ve got some ideas for a table made from recycled wood and maybe recycled steel. The more of the house (build, materials AND furniture) can be recycled:

  • Built in a way that can be recycled in the future
  • Be built from materials that have had a previous life

the better.

So great to come across St Austel based who also have a showroom in Truro.


Mirrors to catch the view.

OK, there are plans for bathroom mirrors, but how about mirrors to reflect the view ?

For example 1 or more mirrors on the south side of the living area or bedrooms that have a northward view over the sea and beach, so that when you look away from the sea, you get these reflected views of the sea.

In the living area, this could be a mirror on the corner post opposite the stairs +/or on the sliding door to the boot room.

from lounge towards the entrance - mirror

With a half height wall between the bed and bathroom area for the 2 sea side bedrooms, the idea is for mirror(s) that are in this open space:

front bedrooms from outside

The above photo from the SketchUp model shows how you can see from the bed, back into the bathroom areas.

The current idea is mirrors that are on supports from above and below:

double sided mirrors - from inside - mockup

The sinks and storage will probably be different from the above mockup.

From in the bedroom, these can be mirrors on the other side, so that in the bedroom area, they are mirrors of the view out to the sky and sea:

double sided mirrors - from outside

Artwork idea – cut outs from rusting metal sheets

I saw these in an art gallery in Kalk Bay, Cape Town.

I like the idea of taking an old sheet of rusting metal. Chalk (or something) drawing on some shapes, cutting them out and then ending up with the cut outs to perhaps put in the house and the sheet with it’s holes put in the garden or some such.

Maybe dolphins, fish and flying fish ?