Thermodynamic panels WILL or WON’T get the RHI?

Looking at multiple posts on the, discussion, Thermodynamic panels don’t look likely to be a part of the Renewable Heat Incentive payments that are due to start in 2013.


The 21-09-2012 reply from Jewsons (” the only national builders’ merchant with exclusive rights to the new and innovative Thermodynamic Atmospheric Energy Panels”) to this blog post of theirs,

You can find further information at Also, although independent test data is available from Europe and has Solar key mark so is eligible for Renewable heat incentive in the UK, the product is currently gaining independent testing through the BRE in the UK and the data will be available shortly.

suggests they believe Thermodynamic Panels will get the RHI



  1. DECC held a RHI webchat yesterday and, as part of that, confirmed that thermodynamic panels will not be eligible for RHI until they are MCS accredited.