UFH pipes & sand, tiles & pipes

The under floor heating (UFH) pipes are going in. Surrounded by sand for thermal mass and conductivity, they are then covered with boards onto which the finished floors will be put.

2014-04-30 14.46.00 (2) 2014-04-30 14.48.32 (2)

On the top the slate is being laid out on the passage way and front top deck area:

2014-04-30 14.51.19 (2) 2014-04-30 14.51.37 (2)

Down in the road, the road is having the pipe work in to connect it to the village sewage etc. system (the old house was a soak away that doesn’t meet current building etc. standards).

2014-04-30 09.04.14 (2)


2014-04-30 14.27.36 (2)